
Chickadee Chat

There are few birds more cheery than a chipper chickadee. I love how the bright red berries are such a perfect contrast to their tiny tuxedos. These two are looking exceedingly festive—you’ve likely hosted this pair in your own yard—on the way to a party, perhaps?

Each seems to have its own personality and would certainly be welcome at home any time of year.

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.

You are Well Prepared, Little Wren

Chief among the most industrious of small birds is the busy wren. If you’ve ever seen a wren at work, you know that —for her, there’s no putting off anything until tomorrow. I think the wren was the source of the term, “busy as a bird.”

But it makes me smile. The way that she insists on building a nest in every pot, boot, and lone bicycle basket makes me wonder if she has 3 or 4 nests going at once.

Among this bright foliage, there’s no end to what this busy bird will likely find useful. Then again, chances are good she’s already quite prepared for the days and weeks to come,

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.


HUmmingbird at home.

Who doesn’t love the stunning hummingbird?

Their bright jeweled flashes are a delight. I love even more the chittering peeps that they make as they try to scare another bird away from the feeder. But it’s an especially rare treat to see one of these tiny birds’ nests.

Have you seen one? They are incredibly, almost impossibly tiny— perfectly fitting for the most marvelous of minuscule birds.

I thought twice about not including a ruby-throated partner… but really, he might have stolen the show. And this perfect homebody wanted to camouflage perfectly into the leaves and mossy green-browns. She may not be as flashy as her counterpart, but every bit as breathtaking in her own right.

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.


born to sing

Spotting a prothonotary warbler is like spying a little piece of heaven. They’re a bright pop of yellow on any branch, like a bright gold Christmas ornament— even though summertime is likely the better time to spot them.
But every time they’re here they’re a joy to see.

And hear.
While technically all birds are made to sing, it seems like warblers take exceptional joy in their song. Like the person who can’t help but be cheerful or the friend who is ever an optimist.

This prothonotary warbler is certainly the golden ray of sunshine that was born to sing.

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.


Classic Red

Snow makes me happy.

I love how it’s a big blanket of white that covers everything— making the familiar places soft and silent and fresh.

Doubly satisfying to spot that pop of red against the solid fields of gray and white. Isn’t a bright cardinal the epitome of a classic Christmas card?

I kept the branches loosely defined and added just a light mist of snow to this bright bird’s picturesque view.
Positioned just right, I might even pretend this is the view from a winter windowpane.

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.


Expect Good Things

Who doesn’t love a happy bluebird?

I’ve noticed more and more of them in our neighborhood, like a flit of blue sky and sunshine— it’s a treat to see these shy birds. Every time I do I feel like it’s a small confirmation: I’m going to have a great day today.

But then again, when you stop to smell the roses— whether or not there’s a bluebird nesting amongst them or delight in little joys that are easy to find, —it’s the right attitude that is already set to expect good things.

Good things are really all around, aren’t they?

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.


Tree Topper

The finishing touch.

As easy as it is to identify a cardinal or a chickadee, I actually spot more of the Tufted Titmouse in our yard.

A perfectly festive year-round topper for any tree!

Original painting. 12”x 12”x 1.5” acrylic on hardboard panel.